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  • How to get to Mompos from Bogotá

    How to get to Mompos from Bogotá

    How to get to Mompos from Bogotá by Public Transport

    From the Bus Terminal in Bogota take a bus to El Banco (Magdalena) in Modulo 3. Price: $90,000 pesos.
    Approximate journey time: 14 hours. Timetable: 5:00pm.

    Operators: Coopetran and Omega.

    Once you have arrived around 6am in El Banco you must take 4×4 to get to Mompos. This transport costs $35,000 with
    air conditioning and $30,000 pesos without.

    How to get to Mompos from Bogotá by Air

    We recommend catching a flight to Corozal (Just 15 minutes from Sincelejo) and from there making the overland connections to Magangué-Mompós in public transport (How to get to Mompos from Magangué).

    You can also catch a flight to Cartagena, Barranquilla or Monteria and continue to Mompós.

    How to get to Mompos from Bogotá by Car or Motorcycle

    Take the highway called the “Ruta del Sol” which leads to Santa Marta. Once you are in the Department of Magdalena just after passing the town of Pailitas and before reaching Pelaya, pass through the Toll booth at El Burro (Magdalena) and the turn off to the left on the road to Tamalameque (Magdalena) and continue on to El Banco (Magdalena) In El Banco take the road to Mompos. On this road there is no point at which you need to take a ferry.

    Approximate journey time: 14 hours

    We hoped that help you with information how to get to Mompos from Bogotá?

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    Please Note:

    The information is subject to change and prices could have increased since this page was last updated. Remember that prices for public transport rise in high seasons.

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